Making Appear


Making Appear / 6 february - 15 april

Aglae Cortés, Mexico

Julie Escoffier, France

Manuel H. Márquez, Mexico

Paul M. Sepuya, USA

Ellie de Verdier, Sweden

Curating:  Aurélie Vandewynckele, France.



The collective exposition Making Appear examines the illusory territories that occur inside and outside of the image, producing a slightly unsettling environment. In their works, the five invited artists explore the interfaces between the photographic and the sculptural.

“We know what we are; but not what we may be”; the famous statement by Shakespeare — used here for not only what it expresses, but also for what it conceals — echoes the idea of the spectrum: what is not yet, or what has yet to be. This idea surrounds the faded contours of the pieces and is reflected in their spatial and visual strategies.

In this way, the artists’ images address the shifting variations that occur between space and body, suggesting the deconstruction of realities, and approaching the invisible. This deconstruction crosses fragmented narratives of different temporalities, which expand and contract, consolidating different planes of the physical and the material.

Making Appear questions what “goes beyond” the photographic space. Placed in the play of its edges and shadows, we encounter the ambiguity between substance and phenomenon.

Aurélie Vandewynckele, January 2018.